Mobile Legends: Balance Adjustment Patch Update - January 2024

February 06, 2025
Mobile Legends
Mobile Legends: Balance Adjustment Patch Update - January 2024
Mobile Legends Update Patch Note 2024
Mobile Legends Update Patch Note 2024

Mobile Legends: Balance Adjustment Patch Update - January 2024

On January 10, 2024, Moonton released a balance adjustment patch update for Mobile Legends. 

This patch is based on hero performance in the M Series and Season 31. In this patch, we will see some important changes that affect famous heroes in the game. Not only nerfs and buffs, some heroes even get a revamp. Let's take a look at these changes.

Hero Alice
Hero Alice

First Hero: Alice (Nerf)

After the last update, Alice became very strong as a jungler at mid to high ranks. In order to balance her power, the following changes were implemented:

Skill 2 (Nerf)

- Bonus Damage based on HP: previously 3.5%-6%, to 2.5% - 5%.

- New Effect: Bonus Damage based on HP can deal up to 250 - 500 damage to Creeps.

Skill 3 {Ultimate} (Nerf)

Attacking Creeps previously reduced the cooldown of skills 1 and 2, now no longer.

Hero Brody
Hero Brody

Second Hero: Brody (Nerf)

Brody's ultimate now has a longer cooldown and his first attack damage is reduced.

Skill 3 {Ultimate} (Nerf)

- Cooldown was 24-18 seconds, now 32-24 seconds.

- First attack damage was previously 340 - 580 + 160% Physical Attack, to 300- 540 + 165% Physical Attack.

Hero Claude
Hero Claude

Third Hero: Claude (Nerf)

Claude's high mobility at high ranks made him a top pick, but Moonton decided to reduce his mobility with the following changes:

Skill 2 (Nerf)

Cooldown was previously 11 - 8.5 seconds, to 13-10.5 seconds.

Hero Melissa
Hero Melissa

Fourth Hero: Melissa (Buff)

Moonton wants Melissa to be more balanced in terms of cooldown and damage in the Early and Late Game.

Skill 1 (Buff)

- Cooldown was previously 10.5 - 7 seconds, to 7.5 - 5 seconds.

- Cooldown reduction after attacking Muddles to deal damage: previously 1.5 seconds, to 0.5 seconds.

Skill 2 (Revamp)

- Damage Transfer Ratio: previously 70% at all levels, now 60% - 80% at all levels.

Hero Moskov
Hero Moskov

Fifth Hero: Moskov (Buff)

Moonton wants Moskov to deal more damage with higher attack speed.

Skill 1 (Buff)

- Increased attack speed from 1.15-1.3x, to 1.15 - 1.5x.

Hero Pharsa
Hero Pharsa

Sixth Hero: Pharsa (Buff)

Pharsa received a cooldown decrease on her ultimate and flying skill.

Skill 3 {Ultimate} (Buff)

- Cooldown was 42-34 seconds, now 36-30 seconds.

Her Flying Special Skill (Buff)

- Cooldown was 30 seconds at all levels, now 30-23 seconds based on level.

Hero Yve
Hero Yve

Seventh Hero: Yve (Buff)

Yve gains increased damage when not using Ultimate.

Skill 2 (Buff)

- Base sustained damage was 90-165, now 105-180.

Hero yin
Hero Yin

Eighth Hero: Yin (Buff)

Moonton wants Yin to have more attacking opportunities without her Ultimate mode.

Skill 1 (Buff)

- Cooldown from 10-7 seconds, to 10-6 seconds.

Skill 2 (Buff)

- Slightly increased movement distance.

Hero Fanny
Hero Fanny

Ninth Hero: Fanny (Buff)

Changes to Fanny will make her use skill 1 more often in dealing damage.

Skill 1 (Buff)

- Bonus Total Physical Attack from 80% to 83%.

Skill 3 {Ultimate} (Revamp)

- Energy usage was previously 30, to 20.

- Base damage was previously 500-860, to 500-750.

In addition to the changes to heroes, this patch also fixes the issue of heroes who can still recover mana for some time after leaving the base.

Latest Patch Update on January 17, 2024 Mobile Legends

On January 17, 2024, Moonton provided additional updates. The new Draft Pick system will be available for Rank Mythic and above, with new features:

  1. Added a Position Pre-selection phase where players can choose a lane and communicate with teammates to avoid laning conflicts.
  2.  Added additional Quick Chat on Draft Pick to make communication easier during the Pre-Positioning phase.
  3. Draft Pick 10-Ban will be applied if the Player's highest Rank in the match is Mythic Rank or above.
  4. Both teams will ban simultaneously, allowing both teams to ban the same hero.
  5. Now, Blessing Jungle or Roam will be recommended when the appropriate lane has been selected.

With this update, players will have a better gaming experience and better communication during the Pre-selection phase. Hope you can enjoy Mobile Legends better after this patch.

Blog authors

Hanya Penulis Biasa! Blogger

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